Vaccination Philosophy


Vaccination Image

Vaccination Philosophy

Dr. Nespor’s philosophy underlines a balanced, informed, and individualized approach to vaccinations, always prioritizing the pet’s well-being.

Vaccinations are vital for preventing dangerous diseases in pets, but the “one size fits all” public protocol isn’t suitable for every animal. While it benefits many, some pets experience adverse reactions, ranging from allergic responses to altered behavior. Over-vaccination, in particular, can leave chemical residues that become a toxic burden. Dr. Nespor emphasizes the importance of tailoring the vaccination process:

Individual Approach

Recognizing that a uniform vaccination program doesn’t work for all pets. Some may suffer from side effects, while others remain unaffected.

+ Energetic Vaccine Nosodes

+ Titer Testing for Antibodies

Timing & Spacing

It’s essential to strategically time and spread out vaccines. Combining certain vaccines, like Rabies and Leptospirosis, can overwhelm a pet’s immune system. Specifically, the Kidneys and Spleen are most affected energetically.

+ Detoxification

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