Diagnostic and Therapeutic Instruments


The Lecher Instrument

Why It’s Beneficial

Detects ultra high and ultra low frequencies of electromagnetic waves.

Holistic Health View: Every pet is unique, and this tool helps us understand each individual’s energy balance, pinpointing any health concerns.

Deep Dive Diagnostics: Lecher antenna identifies deeper and hidden problems, differentiating between physical, energetic, and emotional levels.

Peace of Mind: Knowledge is power. Understand your pet’s health inside out, and take proactive measures.

The Lecher Instrument: Discovering What’s Beneath

The Lecher Instrument is a tool used to measure the vitality of tissues and organs, pinpointing their health or pathology levels.

Illness stems from information disruptions, which, when prolonged, lead to observable symptoms. These disturbances can be detected using the Lecher Instrument.

The Lecher Instrument is used in biotesting, a non-invasive way to collect useful information, and is an energetic equivalent to blood test results, which measures different frequencies of biological samples.

Biotesting will be available in 2024 as an addition to consultations when warranted.

What It Does For Your Pet

Spot Early Signs: Before symptoms show, we can detect potential issues, from allergies to organ health.

Natural Care: Based on the findings, we can guide you on natural treatments and preventive care.

NRG Oiko System

Why It’s Beneficial

Age No Bar: Whether your furry friend is young or gracefully aging, this tool caters to all, especially those facing chronic conditions.

Complementary Therapy: Alongside other natural treatments, this system amplifies the healing effects, particularly beneficial for pets dealing with tough conditions like cancer.

Natural Flea & Tick Solution: Beyond healing, this tool also aids in preparing our unique flea and tick supplement, giving your pet a chemical-free protective shield.

NRG Oiko System: Balancing Your Pet’s Inner Energies

It is used in the preparation of the Energee products by infusing various energetic frequencies into electromagnetic balanced water, to help stimulate and enhance your pet’s natural healing abilities.

What It Does For Your Pet

Customized Care: This tool tunes into your pet’s unique energy frequencies, ensuring they receive the right kind of care tailored to them.

Natural Healing Boost: By sending balancing energies, it boosts your pet’s natural healing processes, keeping them active and joyful.

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