Understanding of electromagnetic energy in Petenergee products

Posted by Dr. Tomas F. Nespor on Sep 6th 2024

Understanding of electromagnetic energy in Petenergee products

Part 1: Why Petenergee products?

Petenergee products all have one main goal; to prevent physical health issues through energetic means. The products are made as a preventative remedy, rather than treating illnesses that have fully emerged in the body already. The products are made naturally using electromagnetic frequencies with small amounts of herbs that stop illnesses from entering and developing, and sustain the body.

Each of the Petenergee products has its own message, target, and goal. The products are created based on 35+ years of my personal experience working as a veterinarian, acupuncturist, and chiropractor. As any doctor working for a longer period of time, I have seen certain conditions develop into repeated issues, and have therefore created products that target these illnesses in a less invasive way; using electromagnetic frequencies.

As veterinarians we work on improving the physical, energetic and emotional fields of animals. I chose to focus solely on the energetic field, as it is the field in between physical and emotional, and can therefore have a great impact on either field when properly attended to. The difference between Petenergee products compared to other products is the usage of the specific electromagnetic frequencies, which are programmed in a machine, called Oiko machine, for specific disorders, viruses or parasites. These exact frequencies - which can be seen as the energetic blueprint of the product- are then delivered into the bodies via pure Magnetized water.

How does energy run in the body, and how do we know the frequencies?

Every organ in the body functions on a certain frequency. When there is disorder, illness, or weakness inside an organ, there is a loss of vital energy. During this time one could describe themselves as not feeling 100% fit, but still able to continue daily routines. For pets, this loss of vital energy may be described as sluggish behavior, or not being his/her energetic-self. During these moments we are unable to find a clear diagnosis and can’t pinpoint any major changes because all tests prove to be normal. Therefore the main question for the doctor is to find out the reason for this loss of energy, and how to measure, stop, and eventually replenish it.

A medical device called the Lecher Antenna, which was founded by the Austrian scientist Ernst Lecher, measures the ultra high and ultra low frequencies in the body and aids us in diagnostics. This tool is widely used in Europe and Asia, where natural doctors use it for diagnosis of illnesses, disorders, and disbalances in people and pets. Across the field the Lecher Antenna allows us to know about 4000 frequencies of different organs, cells, bodily systems, viruses, bacterias, yeasts, toxins, parasites and emotional states. The antenna allows us to measure the distortions of optimal frequencies within organs itself, such as the nervous system, immune system, reproductive system, etc. Once we are able to identify which specific parts are weak/have low energy with the Lecher antenna, the Oiko Machine

allows us to produce and send magnetic frequencies in support. The magnetic frequencies are simply a delivery of recharged frequencies of whichever system needs more energy and strength. In Petenergee products these frequencies are copied and placed into the drops that are orally administered to pets for certain periods of time.

There are different machines developed to deliver specific and very detailed frequencies to both pets and humans. The more accurate the frequencies are used, the better the result in healing will show.For this reason, I use the Lecher Antenna in combination with the Oiko Machine to develop products that deliver the most effective and necessary ultra low magnetic frequencies to pets, as seen in the current Petenergee collection.

“Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help, but get that reality. It can be no other way.”

- Einstein.

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