The Difference between Western medications and Petenergee Products

Posted by Posted by Tomas F. Nespor DVM on September 28th, 2024 on Sep 28th 2024

The Difference between Western medications and Petenergee Products

Western products generally work on a physical level by using different types of antibiotics, vaccines, chemo drugs, internal and external antiparasitic chemical products and other supplements. The goal of Western medications for the most part is to change, stop or kill the undesired. However, recently the benefits of these medications have been accompanied by the question and worry: are they worth the strain they put on our pets’ bodies?

Many Western medications create by-products that then have to be detoxified, thus making it energetically harder on the pet's body and slowing down the recovery process. Also, overuse of Western medications, such as antibiotics, decreases effectiveness, and while symptoms might be cured temporarily, the holistic body of the pet does not benefit, and can suffer from this.

Pet Energee products do not have a ‘killer mechanism', they are not being used as antibiotics to kill bacteria, or chemo drugs to kill cancer cells. The basic concept of Petenergee is that the products are based on specific frequencies (which is pure energy) copied into herbal infused electro-magnetized water. Depending on the desired goal, different frequencies are being used. Besides, Pet Energee products do not carry any chemicals; they are 100% clean products, non toxic, with no side effects and no alcohol.

Nosodes products (Distemper, Parvo, Leptospirosis)

Although homeopathic nosodes and Petenergee nosodes work similarly, Petenergees nosodes, in comparison, do not obtain any biological material as homeopathic nosodes do. The homeopathic concept of “treat like with like”, using very concentrated amounts of biological matter of specific tissue to produce antibodies, is replaced in Petenergee products by adding frequencies of the particular virus, which belongs to that particular Nosode. For example: In the Parvo nosode the Parvo virus frequencies are copied into the elektro-magnetized water base. The same method is used for Distemper and Leptospirosis nosodes.

In addition, frequencies of some of the most important parts of the pet’s immune system, such as the frequencies of Thymus, Glands of the Lymphatic system, are added to stimulate and enhance the functioning of the pet’s immune system.

The combination of these frequencies in one product enables the pet to start producing antibodies against the virus out of their natural response, while at the same time it enables the immune system to function optimally. The final effect of the pet producing antibodies is the same as with vaccines, however without side-effects and without toxins.

One thing to keep in mind is that regular Western vaccines in general take about 7+ days to see a rise in the level of antibodies, whereas Petenergee Nosodes take about 3-5 weeks to see the same rise in antibodies.

Anti Stress & Anxiety Product

Different emotional states such as anxiety, aggression, stress, fear, jealousy, emotional trauma or depression, have their own frequencies. Because I have been working with the Lecher Antenna for more than 14 years, I have measured different types of emotions on horses, dogs, and cats. The same as with humans, emotions can work in and through different areas in the body. If the problem continues for a longer time, these disturbances can cause problems on the physical level. Most commonly, I have seen behavioral issues, skin issues, a variety of gastroenteric issues, urinary problems and even seizures related to stress or other emotional conditions.

This Anti Stress & Anxiety product uses a formula of key frequencies of the nervous system, as well as the most common stress and emotional frequencies. These frequencies are copied in the electro-magnetized water, to bring the body in balance. Herbs are added to give additional support to the nervous system and its blood circulation.

See previous blog about stress and pets for more info.

Anti Flea and Tick Product

The energetic order of frequencies does not only apply to bodies and cells of our “good” living creatures, but also to the “bad ones” such as bacterias, viruses, yeasts, and parasites. They too, run on their frequencies, and they too have their own vital energies. The knowledge of flea and tick frequencies is in this product being utilized by depolarizing them and adding them to the formula of this product. This process creates an inverted energy of the parasites in the host (the pet) and therefore the host becomes an undesirable place for them to live on.

This product is also boosted with extra frequencies of the immune system to strengthen the defense adaptability of the pet's body. When the immune system functions well, it better defends itself against parasites.

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